Shelby Christmas Light Tour

Month of December

*Make sure to zoom in and out on the map that is shown below! There may be places who register outside of City Limits. Registered locations will only have address listed, will not publish name or phone number to each place.

**Gives the chance for the community around the area to go out as a family or with friends to enjoy the lights and decorations of the community

***This page best used by Smart Phone while you are visiting each location. You will be able to zoom in and out.

****If you wish to have your location registered for people to enjoy the Christmas Spirit. No fee to register, contact the Chamber to do so.

*****Will have $50.00 Chamber Bucks up for grabs and The Griswold Award to the best registered location. The Chamber will conduct a facebook poll starting the day after Christmas through January 1. The Chamber will make a post, the community can vote who has the best Christmas Decorations in the comments section by leaving which address they liked best. With the most votes, the winner will win the prizes listed above!