Become a Member
The Chamber’s most important asset is its members, people who realize that through the Chamber they can accomplish collectively that they cannot do individually.
Become a Shelby Area Chamber of Commerce Member Today!
Benefit | |||||
Price | $100 | $500 | $1000 | $1500 | $2000 |
Voting Member of Shelby Area Chamber of Commerce | |||||
Opportunity to be featured as business of the week | |||||
Business Listing on Chamber Web Site Directory | |||||
Brochure/business card placement at VIC Center | |||||
Option to accept Chamber Bucks | |||||
Complementary Banner on Web Site Home Page (100 value) | |||||
August Cash Calendar Beautify Shelby Sponsorship (100 Value) | |||||
Inclusion Chamber 1/2 page Central Montana Ad (200 Value) | |||||
Marias Fair Parade Sponsorship (200 Value) | |||||
Pet & Doll Parade Sponsorship (200 Value) | |||||
Chamber Banquet General Sponsorship (100 Value) | |||||
Chamber Banquet Premium Sponsorship (500 Value) | |||||
Pie Sale Sponsorship (100 Value) | |||||
Appreciation Picnics Sponsorship (100 Value) | |||||
Christmas Stroll Sponsorship (200 Value) | |||||
City Wide Garage Sale Sponsorship (100 Value) | |||||
Seasonal Contest Sponsorship (200 Value) | |||||
Certain Benefits and Sponsorships can be opted into seperately for a fee. Please contact Executive Director for pricing details.
New Memberships/business’s have the options for Ribbon Cutting Event and Chamber Membership Decal.
Direct Sales, Independent Consultant, or Individual Memberships Available, Contact Chamber for further details, if you qualify.
The Chamber may still seek tangible/donations throughout the year for specific events.
Complementary Banner ad on Web Site FREE as bonus with Copper, Silver, Gold, or Platinum Membership Packages.
Shane Adams at Chamber office 406-434-7184, cell 406-210-9533, or email shelbymtcoc@gmail.com or by mail P.O. Box 865, Shelby, Montana 59474