Shelby Paint & Hardware
Feature Business of the Week: Shelby Paint and Hardware
Written by: Timothy Moylan
105 W Central Ave
Shelby Montana 59474
(406) 209-7778
Store Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00-5:30; Saturday 8:30-5:00
Shelby Paint & Hardware is a hardware store that has been open since 2007. It was originally owned by Kevin and Elaine Mitchell up until February 2023. I bought the store and took it over on February 8, 2023 and have enjoyed it ever since. The products in the store include paint, hardware, electrical, plumbing, lawn and garden kitchen items, sporting goods, bird and animal food and many other supplies. My day consists of ordering products and helping customers find items. I have been in the electrical field for 25 years and I am a journeyman electrician. I really enjoy helping out people and talking with them on a daily basis. I look forward to expanding the products in the store, such as having a few clothing items in the future. It is really a fun little store to be in and be a part of in this great little community. The support from the Shelby businesses and people is really wonderful as well. Stop in and check us out!
Written By: Shane Adams
In my opinion, every town, no matter the size, needs a nice hardware store. Shelby Paint & Hardware fits the bill nicely. When I came to Shelby in January Kevin and Elaine still had Shelby Paint & Hardware. I dealt with those 2 a little bit before Tim took over the business. So far I see Tim doing a great job giving the community of Shelby the hardware & supplies the community needs, just as Kevin & Elaine did. The transition from what I can see has been going well!! Every time I have a request for Tim that is Chamber related whether it's hanging up event posters or needing something from the store, he is always helpful and pleasant to deal with. Considering my background in the sporting goods store, nearly a decade of service, where I sold guns and even Montana FWP licenses too. Tim & I have traded some conversations regarding the process of selling those items as he sells those products as well.
I wish Tim continued success for many more years to come in this new venture in his life. Anytime a new adventure starts in life can be nerve-wracking, I'm sure you’ll do well and have fun in the process. I believe he’s taking the store in the right direction with the additions of products he wants to carry in the future and make available to the consumer. Also being community minded in a small town is pretty important. Just this weekend is one example of Tim being just that. During the Fair Parade, he went above and beyond. It was a hot day, as I was tailing up the end of the parade just ahead of the police car. Tim ran up and offered me an ice cold bottled water. He was handing out free ice cold water to everyone who wanted water. Gestures like that go a long ways, 2 thumbs up!!